Stall the Power Line Operation for the Highway Construction

Stall the Power Line Operation for the Highway Construction

From August 13th to 14th , Ningxia East Thermal Power Plant stalled the 220KV Hanas-Jinfeng power line for the Beijing-Tibet highway extension project. Before the stalling, the plant use power was switched to temporary power supply for the normal operation. When the switch job was done, the start up/stand by transformer No.1 was stalled and the 220KV Hanas-Jinfeng power line was thus shut down.

The electrical operation involved all the power consuming equipment in the plant. It was confronted with several difficulties. The plant management paid high attention to the operation and convened specifically all the operation departments to organize a special meeting for the arrangement. Temporary Power Switch Operation Scheme was drafted in advance to ensure the safety, reliability and efficiency of the operation. All the corresponding technical measures and organization measures are in place, and the labor division and procedures were regulated in detail.

On 13th, the operation staff performed plant use power switch job of Unit 1 and 2 as per the existing plan. The unit power center and auxiliary 6KV and 400V were supplied with power through Low Voltage Plant Use Transformer No. 1 integrated with buscouple. After 8 hours continuous operation, the plant use power switch job was wrapped off.

On 14th morning, the staff started to stall startup and standby transformer No.1 and 220 KV busbarⅠ, ⅡA andⅡB. After 4 hours intensive operation, the plant Hanas-Jinfeng power line was stalled.

The electrical switch operation was organized and executed by operation department and assisted with by technical department and maintenance department. The operation staff strictly executed the permit-to-work system and operation ticket supervision system, complying with electrical operation procedure as per the work requirement. All the steps were executed with carefulness and the job was finally completed successfully, which made the prerequisite of the highway construction.

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