Hanas Power Generation Group Held New Year Fun Games
On December 16, 2017, Hanas Power Generation New Year Fun Games was held in Qinshui Sports Centre. There are six sports including Caterpillar, Happy Pencil, Happy Big Feet, Bouncing Ball, Moving Like a Crab and Dash! Dash! Dash!

In response of the call in Party’s 19th Congress Report of Carry Out Nationwide Fitness Activities, we are devoted to diversifying the staff sport life and promotion of the staff workout. The Fun Games focus on team work. It plays a role in both health enhancement and team solidarity.

Moving Like a Crab

Dash! Dash! Dash!
During the Games, all the competitor teams rivaled against each other with all the strength and tactics. They got rid of the stiffness and played like wild horses on the prairie. They laughed, applauded, and cheered up the teammates The sports center saw the enthusiasm and spirit of the plant staff.

photo of all staff members